Outdoor Ceiling Fan Advice

Proper airflow is not just limited to indoor spaces. Outdoor fans are a wonderful way to remain cool in outdoor living areas during the summer season. Fans located in outdoor areas should be protected from the elements. Outdoor fans must not be exposed to water under any circumstances and must have at least 3 walls of protection for wind. We have a selection of fans better suited to coastal areas, however, they will still need to be maintained on a regular basis to reach the fans full life span. This can be done by wiping your fan down with a dry cloth and applying Mr. Min or baby oil along the metal.


Installation of fans

This is not a DIY product. Fans must be installed by a qualified electrician, as stated in our warranty. To assist the electrician simple step-by-step instructions are supplied and must be read carefully before installation begins.

All Zebbies ceiling fans have a 2 year warranty

*Material may have been used from external sources in order to compile this article.

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